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-==New Media Museums //Proceedings//== 
-[[Introduction]] \\  
-Dušan Barok 
-[[bauerova|Nové konzervování-restaurování médií]] \\  
-Zuzana Bauerová 
-[[wro-2|On the Silver Globe: From a Vintage Print Photography to a Complex Media Installation. Re-contextualization as a preservation strategy]] \\  
-Agnieszka Kubicka-Dzieduszycka, Dagmara Domagała, Cezary Wicher  
-[[milewska|Dead artworks as narrators – (re)use of broken artworks in the media art narrative at the exhibition Reincarnation of Media Art in WRO Art Center in Wrocław (2019)]] \\  
-Sonia Milewska 
-[[c3-2|Versions, fragmented works, or inaccessible artworks? Conservation approaches to Media Art Installations and Net Art Works in the collection of the C³ Centre for Culture and Communication Foundation]] \\  
-Anna Tüdős, Márta Czene, Márk Fridvalszki 
-[[nfa-2|Dlouhodobé digitální uchovávání v kurátorském životním cyklu mediálního umění (Long-term digital preservation in media art curation lifecycle)]] \\  
-Michal Klodner  
-[[schaeffler|Networks of Care]] \\  
-Anna Schäffler  
-===Case studies=== 
-[[sng|You Can't Buy a Butterfly. New Methods for Registering Acquisitions of Intermedia Artworks]] \\  
-Lucia Gregorová Stach, Mária Bohumelová  
-[[c3|Versions or Fragmented Works? Reconstruction Issues of Media Art Installations and Net Art Works]] \\  
-Anna Tüdős, Márta Czene  
-[[wro|On the Silver Globe: From a Vintage Print Photography to a Complex Media Installation. Re-contextualisation as Preservation Strategy]] \\  
-Agnieszka Kubicka-Dzieduszycka, Dagmara Domagała  
-[[oma|What's lying on the shelf? – What should have been done before the acquisition and what is to be done now?]] \\  
-Jakub Frank, Petr Válek  
-[[paf|Reading the PAF]] \\  
-Martin Mazanec, Nela Klajbanová  
-===Museum Practices in Collecting Intermedia and Media Art=== 
-[[wielocha|Shaping Institutional Strategies for Collecting Media Art at M+ Hong Kong]] \\  
-Aga Wielocha  
-[[stricot|Media and Digital Art Acquisition Workflow at ZKM]] \\  
-Morgane Stricot  
-[[chang|Addressing Sustainability Issues in Time-based Media Art Collection and Preservation Strategies]] \\  
-Jina Chang  
-[[sikorova|Collecting and Presenting Video Installations from the 1990s: a Visionary Move in the 90s, Essential Today. The First Museum of Intermedia and the Collection of Intermedia Art in The Museum of Art Žilina]] \\  
-Miroslava Sikorová  
-[[hlavackova|New Media Works from the 1990s in the Collection of the Prague City Gallery]] \\  
-Jitka Hlaváčková  
-[[skopalova|Nm 1-001 - Nm 458: The Youngest Collection at National Gallery Prague]] \\  
-Eva Skopalová  
-===Archiving Video Art and Moving Image=== 
-[[nfa|Video Archive: Collection Access and Sustainability Through Collaboration]] \\  
-Markéta Jonášová, Michal Klodner, Matĕj Strnad  
-[[seiser|The Activities and History of the n.b.k. Video-Forum since 1971]] \\  
-Anna Lena Seiser  
-[[oppoyen|Videokunstarkivet: the Norwegian Video Art Archive, the First Ten Years]] \\  
-Håvard Oppøyen  
-[[wysocka|Exhibiting Practices of Archival Film Materials in Non-cinema Environments]] \\  
-Elżbieta Wysocka  
-[[drajsajtlova|Vasulka Digital Archive]] \\  
-Kateřina Drajsajtlová  
-[[Roundtable]] \\  
-Dušan Barok (moderation), Jina Chang, Jakub Frank, Jitka Hlaváčková, Martin Mazanec, Sylva Poláková, Anna Lena Seiser, Eva Skopalová, Matĕj Strnad, Anna Tüdős, Aga Wielocha, Elzbieta Wysocka 
-[[Colophon]] \\  