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colophon [28.11.2022 12:52] admincolophon [06.12.2022 10:11] (current) admin
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-===New Media Museums Proceedings : Collecting and Preserving Media Arts===+===New Media Museums : Collecting and Preserving Media Arts===
-The publication is made in the context of the [[http://newmediamuseums.cead.space|New Media Museums]] project.+Publication made in the context of the [[http://newmediamuseums.cead.space|New Media Museums]] project.
-Published by Olomouc Museum of Art, Olomouc, 2022+Published by the Olomouc Museum of Art, Olomouc, 2022
 Edited by Dušan Barok \\ Edited by Dušan Barok \\
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 Graphic design: Beata Rakowská  Graphic design: Beata Rakowská 
-Copyright 🄯 2022 the authors+The cover image is the work of Márk Fridvalszki and comes from [[http://www.homepage.c3.hu/|Home Page]], an alternative archive of net art discussed in [[c3-2|contribution]] by Anna Tüdős, Márta Czene and Márk Fridvalszki.
-This is an open access booklicensed under [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/|Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License]]. +Copyleft2022: artists, authors, and the Olomouc Museum of Art 
 +Unless otherwise noticed, texts and images are available under the [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/|Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License]].  
 +http://newmediamuseumsproceedings.cead.space/  \\ 
 +Mirror: https://newmediamuseums.multiplace.org/
 ISBN: 978-80-88103-95-0 ISBN: 978-80-88103-95-0
-The cover image is the work of Márk Fridvalszki and comes from [[http://www.homepage.c3.hu/|Home Page]], an alternative archive of net art discussed in [[c3-2|contribution]] by Anna Tüdős, Márta Czene and Márk Fridvalszki.+Download book : https://newmediamuseums.multiplace.org/print/new_media_museums_2022.pdf  \\ 
 +Web to print : https://newmediamuseums.multiplace.org/print/ 
 +This publication was made using the free software debian, dokuwiki and paged.js.  
 +Created with the support of [[https://www.visegradfund.org/|International Visegrad Fund]]. 
-This publication is made possible with the support of [[https://www.visegradfund.org/|International Visegrad Fund]].